In a dystopian future where humanity’s fate hangs by a thread, a rebellious teenager named Zara finds herself at the heart of an apocalyptic crisis. At a clandestine party in the sprawling metropolis of Neo-Tokyo, she indulges in ‘Genesis’, a new designer drug that promises euphoria and heightened senses. However, Genesis triggers a terrifying mutation within her, transforming her into something beyond human. Desperate to return to her former self, Zara seeks help from an underground network of scientists and rebels who reveal the truth about Genesis: it was never meant for pleasure but is part of a desperate experiment to evolve humanity in the face of an impending alien invasion.
As Zara struggles with her new abilities and the responsibility they entail, she becomes entangled in a high-stakes battle for survival. With each step, she uncovers more about her true potential and the dark forces that seek to control or destroy her. Alongside a ragtag team of allies, including a rogue scientist and a mysterious figure from her past, Zara must navigate a treacherous landscape filled with corporate espionage, government conspiracies, and extraterrestrial threats. Her journey will take her from the neon-lit streets of Neo-Tokyo to the far reaches of space, as she fights not only for her identity but for the future of all humankind.
‘The Fix’ is an action-packed sci-fi thriller that explores themes of self-discovery, evolution, and the blurred lines between human and alien. It questions what it truly means to be human in a world where survival often depends on embracing the unknown.
动作片《修复The Fix》是由凯尔西·伊根执导,克兰西·布朗,格瑞思·范·迪恩,丹尼尔·沙曼,艾丹·斯科特,Ryan,Kruger,克里斯·费舍,Nicole,Fortuin,Terri,Lane,Keenan,Arrison,Caleb,Payne,德维尔·凡尼克,丹·希尔斯特,Tina,Redman,Chris,van,Rensburg,Natalie,Robbie,马修·范·里夫,Tafara,Nyatsanza,Tuks,Tad,Lungu,谢恩·约翰·克鲁格,Duane,Behrens等领衔主演的动作 / 科幻类型影视作品。 《修复The Fix》已于2024年在南非地区正式上映,片长98分钟,目前更新状态是:HD。 《修复The Fix》已有852位观众给与2分的评价,目前豆瓣评分是0分。 而且《修复The Fix》总点击量已经达到164次,其中日点击量899次,周点击量85次,月点击量591次。
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